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Standards and Applications of Insulating Fired Bricks

Views: 256 Author: Site Editor Publish Time: 2024-07-31 Origin: Site

Insulating Fired bricks are advanced refractory materials known for their exceptional thermal insulation properties and high-temperature stability. These bricks find extensive use in industries where high temperatures and thermal efficiency are critical, such as lithium Battery,ceramic, metallurgy, petrochemical, aluminium and glass manufacturing etc..

Standards for Insulating Fired Bricks

The quality of insulating fired bricks is governed by several international standards. These standards ensure that the bricks meet specific requirements related to their physical, chemical, and thermal properties.

ASTM C155: Specifies the method for determining the density and porosity of refractory products. This ensures that the bricks have a controlled porosity for optimal thermal insulation.

ISO 10081: Provides guidelines for the chemical analysis of refractory materials, ensuring that the mullite bricks have the desired chemical composition for high-temperature stability.

ASTM C201 and ISO 8894-2: These standards outline methods for measuring the thermal conductivity of refractories, which is critical for assessing the insulation performance of insulating bricks.

Physical Properties:

The bricks should have a uniform density and porosity to achieve optimal thermal insulation. The standard ASTM C155 specifies the density and porosity limits for refractory bricks.

Chemical Properties:

The chemical composition of the bricks should be controlled to ensure their resistance to corrosion and high-temperature stability. Standards such as ISO 10081 provide guidelines for the chemical analysis of refractory materials.

Thermal Properties:

The thermal conductivity are critical for their insulation performance. Standards like ASTM C201 and ISO 8894-2 specify methods for measuring these properties.

Applications of Insulating Fired Bricks

Insulating Fired Bricks are used in various high-temperature applications due to their excellent thermal insulation and mechanical strength.

Ceramics Industry:

In ceramic kilns, these bricks provide efficient heat retention and reduce energy consumption. Their lightweight nature also facilitates easier installation and maintenance.

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Metallurgy Industry:

In steel and aluminum production, the bricks are used in furnaces and ladles to maintain high temperatures and prevent heat loss.

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Glass Manufacturing:

In glass furnaces, the bricks help in maintaining a uniform temperature distribution, leading to improved glass quality and reduced energy consumption.

Glass Industry.jpeg

Other Applications:

Insulating fired bricks are also used in industries such as petrochemicals and power generation, where high-temperature insulation is essential.


Insulating fired bricks are versatile refractory materials that meet stringent international standards. Their excellent thermal insulation properties and high-temperature stability make them ideal for various high-temperature applications. By adhering to these standards, manufacturers ensure that the bricks provide optimal performance and contribute to energy efficiency in industries worldwide.


[1]ASTM C155 - Standard Test Method for Density and Porosity of Refractory Products.

[2]ISO 10081 - Refractory Products - Chemical Analysis.

[3]ASTM C201 - Standard Test Methods for Thermal Conductivity of Refractories.

[4] ISO 8894-2 - Refractory Products - Determination of Thermal Conductivity.


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